In the greater Philadelphia area, the small and mid-sized business landscape is enormous. In fact, estimates ranged from 23,000 to 28,000 operating establishments just before the pandemic triggered the economic downturn. A small or mid-sized business is generally defined as employers with one to 499 employees and less than $50million in annual gross sales.
While it’s impossible to create one set of safety standards that apply to our diverse ecosystem of businesses, there are some fundamental precautions that every white, blue and multi-collared employee should observe. These staples help to create a roadmap for business owners and managers to determine the risks facing their workers and customers every day.
And then there’s COVID-19 — and the unique set of challenges confronting both employers and employees as they return to the workplace. Let’s examine that first...
From the start of your relationship with a Montgomery agent, your insurance strategy is always monitored, always evaluated for efficiency and always subject to a cost-effective adjustment when needed. It’s why our clients — our friends and neighbors in the Delaware Valley — have invested their trust and faith in us for more than 75 years.
Here are five cybersecurity threats and how to keep your data and personal information safe.
If you are trying to evaluate an insurance provider for your business, here are 5 types of business insurance to consider.
Check out these 8 tips on how to best implement disability accommodation policies in your small business